- "In July, the S&P 500 rebounded +7% off its 2010 low as global risks receded and 2Q earnings surprised strongly to the upside. Stocks that generated positive earnings surprises through better-than-expected sales outperformed firms posting positive EPS surprises achieved through better margins. Macro headwinds remain in the form of decelerating US economic growth and persistently high unemployment rate."
- Leading Indicator? — "The Chinese equity market has shown signs of ‘leading’global equity markets at turning points over the past three years (the late-2007peak, the late-2008 trough and the recent peak in markets at end-2009/start-2010); as a result, the 13% rally in the Shanghai Composite since early-July hasbeen a major support for improved overall global sentiment over the past month." - Biggest GEM — "Not surprisingly, China is now the biggest emerging market in theworld, accounting for 18.6% of MSCI GEMs currently, up from 6.5% in mid-2000." - Structural Change — "The big rise in China’s weight in global markets over the pastdecade is unrelated to market performance and is explained mainly by definitionalchanges to the shares included in the major indices (the Red Chips entered MSCIGEMs in June 2000) and to a huge rise in new listings over recent years." - Why? — "China’ s leading indicator role may be explained by: i) the sheer size of itseconomy; ii) China’s role as, by far, the biggest consumer of commodities in theworld (around 40% for some and close to 70% for iron ore); and iii) the recenttendency of the large Chinese equity market to move to extremes." - Normalization — "The slowdown in the Chinese economy should continue, cuttingyear-on-year GDP growth to a trough of around 8% in 2011 Q1 – still, not a ‘hardlanding’. Given that and inflation at around 3%, our China macro team expectspolicy to move to Neutral in the second half of 2010 with no rate hikes at all." - China Strategy — "Our Chinese strategist, Minggao Shen, has turned more positiveand expects the Shanghai Composite to rally by a further 5-15% to 2,800-3,100by end-2010, based on: i) the economic slowdown being largely priced in; ii)policy headwinds are easing; iii) the massive liquidity drain in H1 2010 from theflood of IPOs etc. has likely ended; and iv) margin squeeze may have peaked." - Asia Strategy — "Our Asian strategist, Markus Rosgen, has cut the size of hisUnderweight in China, on more attractive valuations and a slightly more bullishview on regional real estate; he looks to add to the market over the summer." - GEMs Strategy — "We are currently Neutral in China in our GEMs portfolio. Giventhe analysis in this report, the recent strong rally in Chinese equities is importantfor global equities as a whole. However, with emerging markets looking somewhatoverbought short-term, we also look to add to China mainly on weakness." - Bullish — "Based on ‘no double-dip’ scenario, solid growth in emerging markets,low interest rates ‘for longer’ and attractive valuations, we remain bullish onemerging markets for the long-term (including on Chinese equities)."
- S&P Global Equity Index up 5.8% in July — "Global equities rebounded sharplyin July after the release of EU bank stress test results. As we had expected, theBCBS eased its draft regulations, which resulted in significant growth for bankstocks globally." - Greek crisis calming — "Equities grew sharply in southern Europe anddeveloping markets. Growth in southern Europe was led by Greece (+21.4% inJuly), Spain (+14.0%), Portugal (+4.1%), and Italy (+8.3%)." - Japanese equities up just 1.0% in July — "However, on a dollar basis Japaneseequities were relatively strong. The dollar-based S&P Japan Equity Index is up1.6% YTD (but down 5.5% in yen terms). By comparison, the US Equity Indexis up 0.8% and the Europe Equity Index is down 5.7% (dollar base for both)." - Long-term yen appreciation risk — "The yen-dollar rate is firmly in the ¥80$-¥90/$ range. The yen has strengthened over the long term, from a July 1998low of ¥147/$ to ¥85/$ in November 2009. Even if the yen falls into the ¥70/$-¥80/$ range, the government and/or BoJ may not intervene in the forex market." - Asia-related stocks, domestic demand stocks likely to benefit from deregulation — "China and other Asian economies are doing relatively well, so werecommend making China-related stocks (machinery, autos, trading firms,marine transport) the core of one's investment portfolio. We also expect to seederegulation in the tourism, real estate, and communications sectors, sodomestic-demand stocks could be attractive as well." - Beneficiaries — "We think beneficiaries of current trends include 1) Komatsu(machinery), a global infrastructure-related stock; 2) Unicharm (personal care),a core Asia-related stock; 3) Nidec (electronic machinery); Rakuten (consumercyclical), a domestic demand-related stock with high growth potential; andANA (transportation), which should benefit from moves to nurture the tourismindustry."
- "In the US the FOMC meeting is the main event next week. We believe that the speculations about further monetary easing are premature, but that the assessment ofthe current economic situation will be downgraded. We expect US July retail salesto increase 0.5% m/m after a weak H1 2010." - "For the euro area, the key event next week is expected to be the release of Q2 GDPdata. We expect to see robust growth, but at a rather uneven pace. Germany isexpected to stand out as the top-performer." - "UK inflation report on Wednesday is expected to weigh on GBP and support Gilts." - "In Scandinavia focus turns to inflation numbers out of Denmark, Sweden andNorway. The monetary policy meeting in Norges Bank will not attract much attention.Unchanged rates are widely expected." - "Over the past month the euro area has been the main provider of good news while USdata have disappointed. The German Ifo index, German factory orders and Euro PMIall surprised to the upside, while US data covering housing, business and consumptionhave all been weak." - "The relative stronger numbers out of the euro area relative to the US and less PIIGS concern have pushed EUR/USD above 1.32." - "Wheat prices rise strongly on Russian drought and subsequent export ban. A new food crisis cannot be ruled out if the export ban spreads to other countries like we saw in2008. However, global wheat stocks are in fact plenty and other grains prices are notrising to the same degree."