- Capital – labor substitution to accelerate "Rising wages should lead firms to to substitute labor for capital over time." - Migration of investment to inland will intensify "Some manufacturers will choose to diversify their production across Asia as labor costs in China increase."
- Speculation on new wave of tightening measures led to recent mini sell-off — "Given improving sales performance and expected lower policy risk, the Chinaproperty sector had recorded a strong share price rally since mid-June. However,this week caution has returned due to recent speculation the government mayintroduce a new wave of tightening targeting: 1) development schedules, 2) crackdown on land hoarding, and 3) further tightening of mortgage loans for third-unitpurchase. Moreover, it has been reported by the local press that China banks havebeen asked to stress-test for a 60% home-price fall. The above news got a lot ofmarket attention, resulting in a mini sell-off in the China property sector, thoughmost of the news has not yet been made official." - Policy side neutral, precaution is good for sustainable recovery — "As for recent speculation of new tightening, we don’t think it is likely, instead believing that in2H the Central Government will mainly focus on the implementation of existingtightening measures. Moreover, it should shift more focus onto the construction ofsocial welfare housing and monitoring developers’ construction schedule, toprevent a potential construction slippage. The Central Government must balanceproperty market tightening with overall economic growth. However, relative to therecent strong volume rebound and significant improvement in market sentiment,we view the Central Government is wise to introduce precaution measures beforeproperty/land prices revert to an upward trend. For us, these kinds of precautionsare positive for a sustainable recovery of the China property market outlook." - Leading developers’ life is not so tough, likely become market consolidators — "The leading developers have seen sales improving significantly in 3Q given betterbrand names, product quality, and flexible pricing strategies. We estimateprofitability would still be decent (GP>30%) even if they cut prices by c.20% fromthe peak. In June/July, the land market overshot the property market significantly,with achieved land price down 30% from the peak vs. property price only mildlycorrecting by 10% in key cities. As for leading developers, if they can use theopportunity to replenish prime land reserves at a reasonable price, this should bepositive for sustainable growth. This has led to leading developers hungry forcapital raisings, which are unrelated to concerns on their own financial positions.We prefer low cost capital raisings, such as share placement, syndicated loan etc." - Selectively focus on beta – Shimao and Agile — "If we expect the physical market turning point to emerge in 1Q2011, a further opportunity to buy into the Chinaproperty sector should emerge in early 3Q 2010, which is also the reason whyinvestors should selectively focus on higher-beta names in 3Q to hunt for returns.Moreover, second tier market developers – such as our top picks Shimao andAgile – offer defensive valuations. We believe these names not only have higherbeta but also have specific catalysts that could result in outperformance."
- "British GDP has advanced for three consecutive quarters after plummeting in 2008-09. However,OECD's leading indicator for UK has fallen in the past two months, indicating that the economic upswingis losing steam." - "Perception of the overall economic situation is also worsening. The output gap has not been closed andspare capacity remains." - "Retail sales are getting weaker, trend in disposable income is declining. Consumer sentiment is deteriorating, business confidence is fading." - "We expect only a slow recovery, the robust Q2 numbers were a one-off affair. Exports, privateconsumption and investments remain well below trend. In our view, economic growth will undershootgovernment projections."
- Expect solid 2Q10/1H10 profits. "We expect the 10 banks under ourcoverage to post 5% q/q (and 28% y/y) profit growth during 2Q10. Weexpect their aggregate net income in 1H10 to grow 30% y/y and 38% h/h,thanks to strong balance sheet growth, NIM recovery, robust fees as wellas improving asset quality. Our forecasts are about 5% above consensus." - Solid operating performance continues so far into 3Q10. "1) NIMfurther expanded in 2Q10 despite rising competition for deposits andpressure to lower L/D ratios at some medium-sized banks. We expectstable NIM in 2H10. 2) Fees were robust on the back of strong corporatebills/paper issuance and bank wealth management sales. We however expect fee growth to soften to 30% for FY10. 3) Solid asset qualityimprovement. Likely NPL formation may only pick up in 4Q10." - Our model assumes NPL formation pick-up in 2H10. "The market mayfocus predominantly on policies and trend in LGFV asset quality, as wellas the property market. In our current model, we factor in about Rmb78bngross new NPLs in 2H10, enough to include 1-1.5% of outstanding LGFVand property development loans to be downgraded to NPL during 2H10.We believe LGFV NPL ratios should stay at 1% or below. Meanwhile, our models also reflect some dynamic provisioning in 2010." - Modest earnings revisions: "We now factor in fewer rate hikes, leading toa modest cut in NIM assumptions, particularly in 2011-2012E. Except fora 6-7% downward earnings revision for Citic in 2010-2012E, our earningscuts are in general insignificant for 2010 and modest at 3-4% in 2011-2012E. Our estimates however remain above consensus mean estimates." - Undemanding valuations. "We believe the sector may continue to enjoysome re-rating. We still expect 30% earnings growth for FY10E, and 20%plus CAGR growth in 2011-2012E. At 1.75x forward PB and 9x forwardPE, valuations appear undemanding. Top pick in H-share remains Citic-H,BOC-H and to less extent BoComm-H. In A-share, we upgrade Minsheng- A to OW. In A-shares, although big state-owned banks are better value, weprefer Minsheng-A and CMB-A."
- "Actual growth in certain countries may have been changed by the crisis,while potential growth has not: the halt in indebtedness, in the real estateboom and in immigration, as well as the rise in unemployment, have led to ahalt in actual growth, which has been very impressive for instance in Spain." - "But the question is whether potential growth may have been changed by thecrisis. We start off from potential growth to assess the quality of thecountries’ growth, their capacity to stabilise their public and private debtratios, to cope with ageing, to have sufficient return on capital to attractsavings, etc." - "Now, one may think that potential growth is affected by the crisis; if there isfor instance a change in the investment rate, in the sectoral structure of theeconomy, or in taxes or government expenditure that have an effect on thesupply of goods and services." - "When looking at the large OECD countries, we believe that thesedevelopments can be seen everywhere, and seemingly to a great extent incertain Southern European countries (Spain, Portugal)."
- "Large companies have diversified their turnover internationally. We seek toascertain whether investors associate these companies too closely with thecountries where they are quoted. This would create an abnormally close linkbetween the trend in these companies’ share prices and changes in themacroeconomic situation of the countries where they are quoted, while stock market prices ought to react far more to the international macroeconomicsituation." - "We show: • that the financial markets do not take into account the geographicalstructure of the turnover of listed companies; • but that they give significant weight to the trend in the country’sexchange rate compared with these markets of listed companies."
- "European countries (euro zone, United Kingdom) have decided to rapidlytrim their fiscal deficits. This is being done in a situation where the balancesheet adjustment is not completed, and where private demand accordingly issluggish." - "It therefore seems logical to avoid reducing private demand by reducingfiscal deficits, which would lead to even more pronounced underemployment." - "But the key problem for most European countries is weak long-term(potential) growth, due to population ageing and low productivity gains. Sothe countries must also avoid a negative impact on supply (of goods andlabour) when reducing their fiscal deficits." • "They must therefore be able to reduce their fiscal deficits without reducingdemand and without reducing supply; which leaves them with only twooptions: • cutting useless government expenditure; • taxing saved incomes, as these savings are not used to finance usefulinvestments (but rather speculative investments)."
- "We have had a lot of questions recently on the possibility of renewed quantitative easing – and, in particular, on: ■ When the Fed will restart QE 2; ■ Whether it would work; ■ How the market would react – and what should investors buy if QE is restarted."
- "Dollar weakness continues to characterise G10 fx markets as doubts over the US economymultiply and all-time lows for US yields boost the attractiveness of carry. With the Fedrunning out of policy options and evidence of macro economic decoupling in the G10prevailing, we look for the AUD to remain a desirable G10 destination. A test of 85.0 inUSD/JPY now looks probable. Though next week will be dominated by the FOMC, all eyesin the UK will be on the latest BoE Inflation Report (QIR) on Wednesday. The QIR has proveda hurdle for GBP in the past and could again prove the proverbial ‘bridge too far’ thatforces GBP/USD bulls to rein in their exuberance. Special notes on GBP/USD and AUD/ZAR are included in this week’s publication." - "GBP/USD closed up 1.7% at 1.5962 and just fell short of 1.60. GBP lost 0.04% vs the EUR as EUR/USD (+1.7%) kept track of GBP/USD. GBP/CAD burst through the 1.64 level (1.65target) after a shock 139,000 drop in Canadian employment in July. The MPC left BankRate on hold at 0.50% and the APF at £200bln, but suspense is set to stay elevated overthe next two weeks and leaves GBP vulnerable to possible profit taking after a stellar run.Elsewhere, we note the gains for the JPY and the fall in USD/JPY blow 0.8550. A test of theNov-09 low now looms, prompting possible intervention to weaken the yen." - "US payrolls dropped 131,000 in July, double the consensus estimate. Data for June wasrevised down to -221,000 from -125,000. The unemployment rate held unchanged at9.5%. UK data highlights were the 4.3pt drop in the construction PMI in July, and smallerfalls in the manufacturing (-0.2pts) and services (-1.3pts) PMIs. The three PMIs have nowdeclined simultaneously for two consecutive months, pointing to a slower rate of expansionin Q3. The NIESR reported a rise in GDP of 0.9% in the three months to July vs 1.1% in June.The ECB left its interest rate on hold at 1.0% but reined in optimism over the economy anddeclared no recovery victory. Strong Q2 GDP data are expected from Germany next week." - "Backed by bullish seasonals and weaker macro data, gilts logged an impressive weekwith yields dropping markedly across the curve, but with the long end outperforming. 10yyields descended below 3.25% to a 3.23% close. Support for a further decline towards 3%could be on the cards. 5y swaps dropped 7bp to 2.35% and the 10y closed 11bp downat 3.27%, causing the 2y/10y spread to flatten below 190bp. The 2y/10y gilts spreadtightened below 250bp and closed the week at 245bp. The 3mth Libor/Ois spread heldsteady at 25bp. The 10y swap spread was also unchanged at 5bp. The 5y gilt auctiondrew solid demand and was covered 1.99 times (0.7bp tail)."
- "The latest IMM data cover the week from 27 July to 3 August." - "Non-commercial investors added further to short USD positions, which have now reachedUSD17bn. The dollar has lost close to 10% since its early July peak and with Friday’sdisappointing US labour market report (released after the collection of IMM data)positioning is likely to have turned even more against the dollar. As short USD positioningbecomes more stretched so does the upside risk to USD from a potential position squeeze." - "Coinciding with the strong rebound in EUR/USD over the past month speculativeinvestors have unwound their short EUR positions. EUR positions are now back at neutrallevels (net shorts at 3% of open interest) for the first time since December last year." - "Net long positions in the commodity currencies (AUD, CAD and NZD) have become evenmore stretched with NZD looking most vulnerable with net longs at 62% of open interest.A position squeeze, potentially driven by oil prices correcting fast back below USD80 perbarrel (watch Wednesday’s IEA oil market report), could see AUD, CAD and NZD correctlower." - "Net long JPY positions have now reached 36% of open interest despite the current strongJPY level fuelling speculation in the market about the potential for interventions by theBank of Japan."
- DBLCI Commodity Returns: "Commodity index returns continue to bestrongly positively correlated with the S&P500. This has led some investorsto questions the diversification benefits of commodities. We find this isencouraging a new generation of commodity indices to emerge, namely theRisk Parity Commodity Index." - Crude Oil: "Oil prices in 2007-08 seemed linked to shifts in the value of thedollar. Since 2009, the S&P500 appears to be the main driver. We are notconvinced that recent dollar weakness and S&P strength can be relied upon toconsistently drive oil prices upward over the next six months particularly in anenvironment where crude oil and product inventories have been slow to fall." - Refined Products: "From a demand perspective, the US summer drivingseason has been stronger than expected. June-July gasoline demand is up1.9% yoy. However, demand continues to be insufficient to eat through thehigh level of inventories." - Natural Gas: "The continuing surge in shale gas production in the US raisesthe possibility that the US might export LNG rather than import it. A minimumspread of USD3.62/mmBtu on top of HH prices would likely be required togenerate a positive netback on a sustained basis. - Precious Metals: The positive correlation of gold prices to EUIRUSD is reestablishing itself. Given our bearish outlook for the US dollar we believe thiswill trigger further gains in the gold price. We expect the liberalisation inChina’s gold market will sustain the country’s rising market share of goldconsumption relative to the rest of the world." - Industrial Metals: "The industrial metals sector has dismissed fears of aslowdown in China and instead focused on the possibility that monetaryauthorities will do all that is needed to underpin economic recoveries. Copperrose to a three month high supported by China’s rural electrification programand production challenges in Chile." - Agriculture: "Russia’s decision to ban wheat exports threatens hoarding andfurther price advances. However, we believe the relatively high level of USand global inventories in wheat and possibly upgrades to the Australian wheatharvest during the fourth quarter will limit price advances beyond October."